The Sweetest Oliver and His Newborn Photo Session
Every profession encounters its difficulties and not light moments. Sometimes we resolve them easily, another time we need more time to deal with. I have always seen the challenges in the photographic profession as an opportunity to develop and learn something new. My persistence and perfectionism have helped me in a lot of difficult situations. Taking pictures of babies, like I often say, is not a simple task. Newborns have their own vision of things and moods to which the photographer needs to adjust, not the other way around.
The newborn session has its own unique charm and innocence. One thing’s for sure – it always makes you smile and warm your heart. Maybe that’s one of the reasons I love my work so much. My goal is to make more people smile, seeing my pictures. Isn’t life too short to worry about things that won’t matter tomorrow? So smile and enjoy the wonderful life you have. This life is even more amazing if there is a little man in it. Draining almost all of your energy, but at the same time charging you with incomparable love.
A couple of weeks ago I had a memorable newborn photo session – that of Oliver. I knew his parents, I was filming their maternity photo shoot. When little Oliver appeared in this world, I couldn’t wait to see him and book a date for his newborn photo shoot. The moment has arrived. Everything was arranged to the smallest detail, except for the fact that Oliver was clearly not in the mood to sleep. His curiosity to oversee his own filming prevailed. Almost throughout the entire studio newborn photo session Oliver was with his eyes wide opened and studied every little detail of what was happening around him.
In conclusion I managed to photograph this little angel. Check his newborn photo session below, share and comment.