Luca, 2 Weeks Old Newborn Photo Session
The birth of a child is a big event, and for the mother is the greatest thing. The little angel is all that excites her and she admires him/her. She wants to seal those innocent days of her baby’s life therefore she constantly takes pictures of her child. The mother has seen great newborn photos and wants the same for her baby. But these impressive photographs are can only be captured by a professional photographer.
Photographing a newborn is a specific activity and you need an experienced children’s photographer. Furthermore the professional photographer is familiar with all the peculiarities of photographing the newborn. The photographer can provide safe and comfortable conditions for mother and the baby. He/she has a professional technique for capturing perfect photos.
The professional newborn photographer has a flair for shooting children. He/she is able to capture amazing conditions and make a magical arrangement for a fairy story. After the newborn photo session I retouch every single photo so that it can be ready for the family album. The printing of a beautiful newborn photo session will turn the photo into a work of art to hang on the wall. Because a photo of the little angel is the most beautiful decoration of the house.
And Luca’s parents knew that. Therefore family ordered wonderful framed prints for the walls of their home. The newborn Luca, just 2 weeks old, was restless at the beginning of the photo session. His grandparents also attended the photo shoot in the studio. They were extremely impressed how I managed to calm him down. I tried to explain to them that this was just my job but his grandmother called me Baby whisperer.
Hope that you are going to be touched as well from Luca’s photos and book me for yours. 🙂